In Naples, on October 2nd 2015. European Association for Reality Therapy (EART) has been re-accredited by the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) to continue working as European-Wide Accrediting Organisation for a further period of seven years. This accreditation means that all psychotherapists who obtain the diploma from EART - Reality Therapy Psychotherapist (RTP), can apply directly for the European Certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP).
Furthermore, the accreditation puts Reality Therapy shoulder-to-shoulder with Gestalt-, Psychoanalytic-, Integrative-, Body-therapy and other psychotherapy modalities under the same umbrella and same diploma. Reality Therapy Psychotherapists (who are ECP holders) can work in different settings incl. medical throughout Europe providing the cutting-edge psychotherapeutic practice.
We subscribe to the 'ethos' that Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management guide and support our relationships both on a personal and professional basis, and that Reality Therapy should be taught with integrity and adherence to fundamental concepts as describe by Dr. William Glasser and others who write, teach those ideas.